Seminario di Algebra
e Teoria dei Numeri
del Dipartimento di Matematica dell'Università di Torino
Questa pagina registra l'attività del Seminario.
Pagina mantenuta da Andrea Mori
Prossimo Seminario
Giovedì 20 Febbraio, ore 11:30, Aula 3
M. Longo (Padova)
On the Tamagawa number conjecture
for motives of modular forms
Abstract: I plan to present a work in collaboration with Stefano Vigni, in which we study the Tamagawa number conjecture, formulated by Bloch-Kato, in the case of motives attached to cuspforms. This conjecture can be seen as a generalisation to motives of the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture for elliptic curves, and is still wide open. The case of motives of modular forms can be studied using methods analogous to those exploited in the case of elliptic curves. After an introduction in which I will recall the main results in the case of elliptic curves, I will discuss our results in the case of motives of modular forms.
Calendario Generale:
In rosso i seminari futuri.
25 Marzo 2025, M. Rossi (Milano Bicocca), TBA
25 Marzo 2025, G. Cherubini (INDAM), TBA
13 Marzo 2025, G. Bogo , TBA
20 Febbraio 2025, M. Longo (Padova), On the Tamagawa number conjecture for motives of modular forms
29 Gennaio 2025, D. Spriano (Oxford), No finitely generated group is indigestible for the Loch-Ness monster.
16 Gennaio 2025, A. Conti (Heidelberg), Bogomolov property for Galois representations with big local image.
13 Novembre 2024; F. Cioffi (Napoli), Cohen-Macaulay, Gorenstein and complete intersection conditions by marked bases on Hilbert schemes.
[Mathlab] 30 Ottobre 2024, Y. Bugeaud (Strasbourg), On the decimal expansion of e.
1 Ottobre 2024, L. De Feo (IBM Zrich), The isogeny toolbox
28 Maggio 2024, F. Pellarin (Roma I), Some remarks on the factorization of the sine function
15 Maggio 2024, A. Conti (Luxembourg), Prime power congruences between Galois representations
11 Aprile 2024, M. Gran (Louvain-la-neuve), On the naturalness of Mal'tsev categories
15 Marzo 2024, J. Jenvrin (Grenoble), On the height of some generators of Galois extensions with big Galois groups