Seminario di Algebra

e Teoria dei Numeri 

del Dipartimento di Matematica dell'Università di Torino

Questa pagina registra l'attività del Seminario.

Pagina mantenuta da Andrea Mori

Prossimo Seminario

15 Maggio 2024

Ore 16:30 -- Aula 4

Andrea CONTI

(Un. Luxembourg)

Prime power congruences between Galois representations

Abstract. I will present joint work with E. Torti. Given a prime p, a natural number n and a family V of representations of a profinite group G, parameterized by a p-adic analytic space X, we study how the reduction of V modulo p^n varies along X. We produce explicit neighborhoods of each point of X over which such a reduction is constant: essentially, we show that the modulo p^n variation is completely determined by the modulo p variation. We give various arithmetic consequences, extrapolating modulo p^n congruences between local crystalline, semistable, and global modular Galois representations from the known results on modulo p congruences.


Calendario Generale:

In rosso i seminari futuri.