Seminario di Algebra

e Teoria dei Numeri 

del Dipartimento di Matematica dell'Università di Torino

Questa pagina registra l'attività del Seminario.

Pagina mantenuta da Andrea Mori

Prossimo Seminario

Giovedì 20 Febbraio, ore 11:30, Aula 3

M. Longo (Padova)

On the Tamagawa number conjecture

for motives of modular forms

Abstract: I plan to present a work in collaboration with Stefano Vigni, in which we study the Tamagawa number conjecture, formulated by Bloch-Kato, in the case of motives attached to cuspforms. This conjecture can be seen as a generalisation to motives of the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture for elliptic curves, and is still wide open. The case of motives of modular forms can be studied using methods analogous to those exploited in the case of elliptic curves. After an introduction in which I will recall the main results in the case of elliptic curves, I will discuss our results in the case of motives of modular forms. 


Calendario Generale:

In rosso i seminari futuri.